Heather is a Horticulturist with a focus in garden designs, planning & container couture. She has a passion for perennials and small vegetable garden plots.
Heather received a bachelor degree in Horticulture Science from Oregon State University, and has been in the field of horticulture for more than 18 years. She was also the Horticulture Manager for The Oregon Garden and a Gardener there for 10 years.
The focus of any design or consultation with Heather is getting your plants in the correct spots for success and a complete design aesthetic.
Stamen & Pistil
As of 2012 I decided that I would finally pick a date and take the plunge into the nursery business. I made this a reality now and we opened doors as of March 2015. I am very inspired by plants and I love using them creatively through container gardening and any other way possible. I call this "Container Couture"
Stamen & Pistil strives to inspire and enrich our community by offering innovative and educational classes and garden supplies. Our plant selections are based on their uniqueness, functionality and whimsy. Offering locally produced garden art and products, we are committed to being a part of a sustainable community. With a focus in urban gardening and container couture, we hope to inspire and delight, the already avid gardener and possibly evoke a new plant enthusiast.